Sound recording using SoundEdit

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SoundEdit can be used for two important functions:

For our project, we will use both sets of features to create a soundtrack for the animation that will be displayed in our web pages.

Sound contents

  1. Background ambience noise or music. This is generally looped to save on file size.
  2. Sound hits synchronized to specific events in the animation.

Basic operation:

  1. Launch the SoundEdit application, found in the Sound folder on the hard drive.
    the SoundEdit application icon
  2. Use the Record Options command in the Sound menu to choose the sound source. Most of the machines will show two options: Microphone and Internal CD. The microphone port can accommodate a special Apple microphone (only available for a few machines), or your own sound playback device with a miniplug connector (such as a cassette player). The internal CD-ROM drive (available on most of our computers) will allow recording from ordinary audio CDs. If checked, Playthrough will let you listen to the sound source through the computer's speaker(s)
    Record Options dialog
  3. If you selected Internal CD, use the Apple CD Audio Player (in the Apple menu) to select a track for playback.
    selecting an audio track in the Apple CD player
  4. Use the Sound Format command in the Sound menu to choose 8 bits, and the lowest one of the Rates marked with a microphone icon. Make sure to leave Compression turned off.
    choosing a hardware-supported sampling rate
  5. Use the Ruler Options in the View menu to choose Frames as the unit. In the field at the bottom-left of the dialog, enter the frame rate you selected in Director for your animation.
    setting ruler options to match animation frame rate
  6. Make sure that the sound source is loud enough to show a long green bar in the meter, but not so loud that red appears at the end of the bar.
    sound check with meter turned on
  7. Press the record button when your sound source is properly cued up.
    record button pressed
  8. Press the Stop button when done recording.
    stop button pressed
  9. A waveform graph representing the newly recorded sound will appear in the document window.
    a newly recorded sound
  10. Use the Save command in the File menu, choose Audio IFF as the file format.
    saving as an AIFF file

Additional Info:

Last modified 19JUN96 by Sandro Corsi