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Outline of the steps in the second phase of the project
After completing the layout of the graphic elements in the previous session, we need to add the scripts that allow the player to interact with the game pieces.
Add a cast member for the "missing" gamepiece using the shape tools.
Make the registration point of the bitmap cast members the same as for the shape member.
Make the elements of the game respond to user clicks.
Provide visual feedback to the user when a click on a game piece occurs.
Create a movie script with a handler that initializes the objects used during the game.
Create a parent script for the squares of the gameboard.
Add to the frame script already created in the previous session, so that user clicks will be intercepted.
Create another movie script for the handlers which need to execute while the game is in progress.
Run and test the movie. When done, make sure to save your work for refinements in the next session.
After the movie is up on the screen, you may need to again position and size the stage:
File-->Preferences-->General, uncheck "Centered".
Modify-->Movie-->Properties, enter 240 x 240 for the size, 0 and 20 for the location.
For the scripts to work, it is important that all cast members used for gameboard squares appear in consecutive positions of the Internal Cast, as well as consecutive channels of frame 1 of the Score, and that this new shape member be the last one.
Display the Cast window, if necessary, using the Window menu.
Select position 16 in the Cast (the first one after the bitmaps with the game pieces).
Display the Tool Palette, if necessary, using the
Window menu.
Select the unfilled Rectangle tool and use it to draw a
box directly on the Stage, in the lower-right location of the gameboard,
and the same size as the game piece
Make sure that the new sprite appears in the first
available channel of the first frame of the Score, after the bitmaps you
laid out in the previous session.
Use the Tool Palette controls to change the line settings
of the box to "No Line" to make the box completely invisible.
Use the Modify-->Sprite-->Properties dialog
to enter the location and size of the new sprite, so it fits in exactly with
the grid of squares on the gameboard.
Since the box is invisible, its thumbnail in the Cast
window is blank. To make the cast member more recognizable, you might want
to enter a descriptive name for it, in the name field at the top of the Cast
Adjust registration point of bitmap cast members
The registration point of bitmap cast members must be set individually. You will need to repeat the following steps for each one of the 15 game piece bitmaps:
Double-click the thumbnail of the game piece in the cast window, to open the bitmap in the paint window.
Select the registration point tool in the paint window's
toolbox. The current registration point will be diaplayed as the
intersection of two dotted lines.
Click on the first pixel at the upper-left corner of the
game piece. For greater accuracy you may want to zoom in first (in the View
To go on to the next bitmap, double click on its thumbnail
in the cast window, or click the "Next Cast Member" button in the
paint window.
Display the score window (use the Window menu if necessary), then select all the sprites representing gameboard squares:
Click and drag through the frame 1 cells that represent elements of the game (background, squares, "missing piece"), so that they are all selected.
Click on the "Editable" checkbox to mark it with an X.
Turn off the "Moveable" checkbox (this is no longer needed,
since the gamepieces will move under script control).
Mark game piece cast members to highlight when clicked
As for the registration point, the highlighting of bitmap cast members must be set individually. You will need to repeat the following steps for each one of the 15 game piece bitmaps (the "missing piece" should obviously not highlight):
Display the cast window (use the Window menu if necessary)
Click on the thumbnail of the cast member to select it
Click on the Information ('i' in a circle) button at the top of the Cast window, or use Modify-->Cast Member-->Properties.
Click on the "Highlight When Clicked" checkbox to mark
it with an X.
Enter initialization movie script
Movie Scripts appear as members in the cast window, just like the frame script entered in the previous session of the project.
---------- Puzzle 02 -- phase 2 of the Puzzle project ------------ --------- Copyright 1996 by Sandro Corsi (corsi@ibm.net) --------- --The scripts in this movie assume that the cast members with the --images of the gamepieces are arranged sequentially at the --beginning of the internal cast. The cast member for the missing --piece (an unfilled, unstroked box shape) is the last gamepiece --cast member. --It is also assumed that the gamepiece sprites are arranged --sequentially in the score, after any mumber of sprites used --to create the background of the gameboard. The sprite for the --missing piece comes right after the gamepiece sprites. ------------------------------------------------------------------ on startMovie --------------- declare global variables --------------- -- game size specifications global gNumberOfSquares, gSquaresPerRow -- Squares (= available positions for gamepieces) global gSquareList, gSquareChannelStart, gHoleColumn, gHoleRow --------------- initialize global variables --------------- put 16 into gNumberOfSquares -- total available Squares put 4 into gSquaresPerRow -- how many Squares wide is each row put [] into gSquareList -- list of child objects representing Squares put 2 into gSquareChannelStart -- first channel containing Square sprite -- initialize missing gamepiece position to be the last Square put (gNumberOfSquares-1) mod gSquaresPerRow+1 into gHoleColumn put (gNumberOfSquares-1)/gSquaresPerRow+1 into gHoleRow --------------- create Square objects --------------- repeat with SquarePosition = 1 to gNumberOfSquares append gSquareList, new(script "SquareParentScript", SquarePosition) end repeat updateStage -- force redraw end
Enter parent script for squares
Parent scripts must be entered as movie scripts. They must be named with the exact same name used in the statement that creates the objects:
Click on the "plus" button of the script window to create a blank new movie script. Check again that the title bar reports this as a movie script.
Click to place the insertion point in the cast member name
field (at the top-center of the script window) and type the name
Place the insertion point back in the body of the window, and enter the following script:
property pSpriteOfSquare, pColumnOfSquare, pRowOfSquare on new me, position global gSquareChannelStart, gSquaresPerRow set pSpriteOfSquare to position-1+gSquareChannelStart set the puppet of sprite pSpriteOfSquare to TRUE set the memberNum of sprite pSpriteOfSquare to position put (position-1) mod gSquaresPerRow+1 into pColumnOfSquare put (position-1)/gSquaresPerRow+1 into pRowOfSquare return me end on click me if pieceCanMove(me) then beep movePiece me else beep 2 -- not a smart move end if end on pieceCanMove me -- is Square just left, right, above, or below hole? global gHoleColumn, gHoleRow if pColumnOfSquare = gHoleColumn then if pRowOfSquare = gHoleRow-1 then return TRUE --just above hole if pRowOfSquare = gHoleRow+1 then return TRUE --just below hole end if -- same column if pRowOfSquare = gHoleRow then if pColumnOfSquare = gHoleColumn-1 then return TRUE --just left of hole if pColumnOfSquare = gHoleColumn+1 then return TRUE --just right of hole end if -- same row return FALSE end on movePiece me -- trade places with hole global gHoleColumn, gHoleRow, gSquaresPerRow, gNumberOfSquares -- assign my current cast member to sprite at former hole location put (gHoleRow-1) * gSquaresPerRow + gHoleColumn into holePosition setPicture getAt(gSquareList, holePosition), the memberNum of sprite pSpriteOfSquare -- assign hole cast member (it's right after all gamepiece pictures) -- to my sprite set the memberNum of sprite pSpriteOfSquare to gNumberOfSquares -- copy my location to hole location globals put pColumnOfSquare into gHoleColumn put pRowOfSquare into gHoleRow -- force redraw updateStage end on setPicture me, memberNumber set the memberNum of sprite pSpriteOfSquare to memberNumber end
Verify that the syntax of this script is correct as well.
Modify the frame script to capture mouse clicks
Individual scripts can contain multiple handers, and the handlers can be added at any time.
Double-click on the first frame cell of the script
channel in the score to re-open the frame script in the script window.
Click to place the insertion point at the end of the script, after the handler that's already there. Enter the new handler so that the entire script reads:
on exitFrame -- this handler keeps the movie looping on this frame go to the frame end on mouseUp --The clickOn returns the sprite clicked, or 0 if stage clicked. --For this to work, the sprites must be active, i.e., they must --either have a script attached, or be marked editable in Score gameClick (the clickOn) -- handled in GamePlay script end
Take care to verify your spelling once again.
Create additional movie script with gameplay handlers
You may want to identify this movie script cast member by name (e.g., "gameplay"), so it is easier to locate. A name is only required for parent scripts, though.
Click on the "plus" button of the script window to create a blank new movie script. Check again that the title bar reports this as a movie script.
Enter the following script:
on gameClick whichSprite --this handler responds to user input based on the part --of the game board clicked global gSquareChannelStart, gSquareList if whichSprite < gSquareChannelStart then beep 3 -- you clicked the frame of the gameboard else --find which Square location was clicked put whichSprite - gSquareChannelStart + 1 into position --tell the Square to respond to the click click getAt(gSquareList, position) end if end
If this script is entered correctly, you are now ready to test the puzzle.
Copyright 1996 by Sandro Corsi. Last modified 4 OCT 96.