Electronic Painting

ACG 132, Fullerton College



Teaches how to make pictures using raster graphics programs. Raster graphics is the technology of choice for continuous-tone artwork, suitable for traditional print formats as well as new electronic media, such as Web pages on the Internet. Visually, raster images are often characterized by a photographic or painterly appearance. These programs are less appropriate for stylized, hard-edge material. The course covers leading raster graphics software, with plenty of hands-on use of the computer to build a portfolio and acquire the experience levels demanded by employers and clients.

Two hours lecture and three hours lab per week.


  1. Technical orientation.
    1. System software user interface.
    2. Recommended workflow practices.
    3. Raster graphics vs. vector graphics.
  2. Digital painting orientation.
    1. Historical overview of raster graphics.
    2. Impact of digital techniques on photography.
    3. Impact of digital techniques on painting and drawing.
    4. Integration of digital and analog image formats.
  3. Raster graphics software interface.
    1. Default settings and user preferences.
    2. Document setup.
    3. Document-window features.
    4. Tools and commands palettes.
    5. Selection tools and techniques
    6. Object-oriented features.
  4. Raster graphics image-creation features.
    1. Freeform tools.
    2. Geometric tools.
    3. Image replication tools.
    4. Masking features and techniques.
    5. Features specific to the program in use.
  5. Raster graphics image-editing features.
    1. Global (whole image) vs. local (region of interest) control.
    2. Basic geometric transformations.
    3. Color and exposure adjustment.
    4. Packaged effects (extensions, plug-ins).
    5. Features specific to the program in use.
  6. Raster graphics document management features.
    1. Layers.
    2. Channels.
    3. Modes.
    4. Undo and history features and techniques.
    5. Features specific to the program in use.
  7. Input/output options.
    1. Raster file import.
    2. Scanners and digital cameras.
    3. Vector graphics rasterizing and vector import.
    4. Export formats for various uses.
    5. Applications of raster graphics software.
      1. Workflow automation: scripts, actions, batch commands.
      2. Color profiling and color management.
      3. Image indexing and retrieval.
      4. Integration with other graphics programs (vector, 3D, video, animation, etc.)
      5. Print media case study.
      6. Electronic media case study.


    Students successful in this class will: